Legacy Products

PanelClaw was founded in 2007 and has a history of innovation geared towards driving the accelerated adoption of PV worldwide. We have accomplished this by focusing on delivering lower life-cycle-cost products with each new technology we bring to market. Our legacy products are listed below and are still supported by our team, through their respective warranty periods. If you have a question or a need regarding one of our legacy products, please call us at +1 (978) 688-4900.

Flat Roof Legacy Products

  • Polar Bear III HD 5D and 10D
  • Polar Bear III 3 Degree FirstSolar
  • Polar Bear Gen I, Gen II and Gen III
  • Grizzly Bear Gen I and Grizzly Bear Gen II
  • Kodiak Bear

Ground Mount Legacy Products

  • Sun Bear foundation based system
  • Panda Bear ballasted system